Tuesday, 17 December 2013

RTMNU Banned Colleges Issue

RTMNU Banned Colleges Issue

THE issue of banned colleges is still haunting RTMNU - Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University. Now with deletion of 29 colleges from the list of 51 colleges which had made admissions less than 50 per cent, it is being asked that as to why university now deleted those names? University itself was saying that if it deleted the names then it would be a contempt of court, then how university removed it now claiming that it was under the frame of law?
The sources disclosed that a senior minister had asked university to at least remove those many colleges as a cover up measure. On the basis of the order of High Court of May 3. 2013, university displayed the list of 338 colleges on its website asking students not to take admissions in those colleges. Later on. one college listed at number 82 was removed but the number 82 was kept as it was. Out of those 337 colleges. 76 went to Gondwana University. The total number of colleges remained as 261. From these many colleges 27 colleges were removed and finally with the addition of some colleges the list of 258 was displayed. Somehow, the eight colleges too removed, (he reason best known 10 university.
Maharashtra State Permanent No Grant Basis College. Director Association has alleged that there were 78 colleges which too sit under this criterion and should have been included in the list of banned 250 colleges. The association raised the question as to why these colleges were not included' Why university now deleted the names of 29 colleges?
Advct. Standing Counsel of the university was firm on the opinion he had given that, no name of the college should be removed from the list. 

The association pointed out that the 78 colleges which were not included belong to bigwigs. University's own department including Travel and Tourism. Commerce (M.Com). Physical Education has not a single teacher. The Government run colleges that come under RTMNU including Forensic Science Institute. Model College. Gadchiroli. Regional Labour Institute have no teacher. Engineering Colleges (I2». MBA (6), Law Colleges (2) arc running sans teachers. Association has claimed that among those 250 colleges, there are 180 colleges which have already been closed down.

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